Mackenzie Lidbury
The card game F2F explores the effects of communicating through pervasive screen technology on the face-to-face (F2F) conversation skills of young adults. The sense of connectedness that technological devices generate can exert a powerful influence on young adults’ sense of self and capacity for empathy, and complicate the development of skills necessary for forging long-lasting, fulfilling relationships. F2F explores vulnerability, spontaneity, and humour, and the challenges of living with screen technology. Distributed through venues frequented by young adults, the card game is designed to encourage people to engage in new socially aware conversations and mitigate the impacts of extensive screen communication between 2020 and 2022, when ‘screen-time’ was at an all-time high.
DegreeBachelor of Design (Honours) / Bachelor of CommerceDisciplineGraphics, 3D VisualisationEmailmackenzie.lidbury@gmail.com