Josephine Mercer
‘Family Ties’ is a discussion-based game that addresses Intergenerational Cultural Dissonance (ICD) within families of migrant heritage. This study translates research on the increased frequency of intergenerational disagreement in immigrant families than in non-immigrant families. Adjustments to a new cultural context complicate the relationships between parents and children and can create family disagreements. Through a gamified approach, 'Family Ties' provides space to discuss differences of opinion and the emotions they generate and rehearse the negotiation of conflict between players. Additionally, 'Family Ties' validates the experiences of those subject to the Western fabrication of 'exotic outsiders'. Up to four players can discuss sensitive cultural norms in a non-threatening card game.
DegreeBachelor of Design (Honours) / Bachelor of Media (PR & Advertising)DisciplineGraphics, Environments/Spatial DesignWebsitemercerjosephine.wixsite.comEmailjosephinemercer123@gmail.com